[Portfolio] IWS Consulting Srl
Portfolio pubblicato il 25 October 2023
[Portfolio] IWS Consulting Srl
Updated on 25 October 2023
We collaborated with IWS Consulting to achieve a comprehensive repositioning of their company and brand.

The main goal was to create a new digital presence that would effectively communicate with customers and stakeholders in a professional and corporate manner, without compromising the company’s identity and recognizability.


IWS Consulting Srl


Information technology




IWS Consulting is a company that provides IT solutions, outsourcing, and automation services. They are a rapidly growing business that focuses on people and innovation.


IWS Consulting underwent significant growth and transformation in the recent period, which required a repositioning that aligned with its new pace and direction.

We focused on revamping its digital presence by creating suitable visual and narrative content that resonates with the target audience.


  • Visual identity improved with more legible branding.

  • Stylistic coherence of identity.

  • Easy-to-read website and menu structure.

  • Clear and defined storytelling.



We helped IWS Consulting by enhancing the clarity of their brand and establishing more structured and consistent guidelines for its use. Additionally, we refined their color palette by creating a hierarchy of colors that aligned with their company, services, and operational context.



The company’s website has undergone a complete overhaul, both in terms of its structure and content. The new website now provides comprehensive information about the company’s areas of intervention, values, business units and the people who work there. The website’s redesign began with restructuring the main menu and highlighting concepts and services that accurately represent the company and its evolving core business.

Communication plan

We have made it a priority to improve the recognition of the crucial role employees play in driving innovation and achieving business success.
Our proposed communication plan sets it apart from traditional corporate approaches by highlighting the unique personal stories of our team members, showcasing their skills, passions, and experiences that contribute to the success of our company. This approach not only boosts internal engagement but also promotes an authentic and human image of the company to customers and external stakeholders.


We improved the pages that showcase the customer’s services and the articles we published. This helped us identify a strategy to rank higher on search engines for topics that are relevant to the company’s target audience. We kept an eye on the competitors and acquired external links to increase the trustworthiness of the website. Additionally, we improved the content to boost the overall page ranking on search engines.

Content Marketing

Our editorial and video content was developed based on IWS Consulting’s SEO strategy to capture their potential and consolidated audience’s search contexts.

Social Media

We’ve developed a social media strategy that includes thematic topics, producing various streams with interesting columns and appointments.

Social Newsletter

We currently manage the LinkedIn newsletter with active public engagement.

Videos & Photos

As part of our communication strategy, we have produced video interviews with key personnel to showcase our company’s services, values, and history. Additionally, we have created brief promotional videos highlighting the advantages and benefits of IWS Consulting services in less than 30 seconds.


We collaborated closely with all the Business Units and top management of the company to comprehend the internal and market requirements. Our goal was to create a clear and authentic image of this company to the outside world, highlighting its fresh, young, and innovative spirit.
We worked hard to convey the core messages through our successful and consistent digital presence project.

Di cosa ci occupiamo?

  • Valorizzazione del patrimonio culturale e del paesaggio
  • Prevenzione e gestione dei rischi sul patrimonio culturale
  • Ricerca e studio di soluzioni, servizi e prodotti per la salvaguardia e il miglioramento delle condizioni ambientali e climatiche nel settore dei beni culturali
  • Sviluppo di reti e network fra aziende e professionisti per favorire ed incrementare la diffusione di buone pratiche nell’ambito del risk management e della sicurezza per opere d’arte e beni culturali
  • Progetti di comunicazione e presenza digitale

La nostra visione

Ogni progetto ha un impatto e lascia tracce sul pianeta. Proprio per questo siamo convinti assertori di una nostra filosofia di business che ci vede coinvolti solo e soltanto in attività e progetti che abbiano un impatto positivo su ambiente, territorio e società.

Lavoriamo per realizzare soluzioni ed idee innovative e al tempo stesso per mantenere un equilibrio fra le nostre attività e la loro sostenibilità.

Vogliamo dare un contributo per affrontare i grandi temi ambientali e sociali

I nostri progetti ed il nostro modello di business non prescinde dal prendere in considerazione i contesti e le persone in cui si sviluppano.

What we do?

  • Enhancement of cultural heritage and landscape
  • Prevention and management of risks on cultural heritage
  • Research and study of solutions, services and products to safeguard the cultural heritage from climate change and pollution
  • Development of networks between companies and professionals to encourage and increase the dissemination of good practices in the field of risk management and security for art and cultural heritage
  • Communication plans and targeted dissemination

Our vision

Each project has an impact and leaves traces on the planet. Precisely for this reason we are convinced supporters of our business philosophy which sees us involved only and only in activities and projects that have a positive impact on the environment, territory, and society.

We work to create innovative solutions and ideas and at the same time to maintain a balance between our activities and their sustainability.

We want to make a contribution to addressing major environmental and social issues

Our projects and our business model do not disregard taking into consideration the contexts and people in which they develop

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