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News from the world of benefits, on our projects and on those for the enhancement and protection of our cultural heritage.

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Anthropic risk management

Anthropic risk on cultural heritage is unfortunately still a very frequent threat which can also irreversibly damage the assets involved. When we talk about anthropic risk, we are referring to all those actions focused on directly and voluntarily damaging the assets...

Fire risk management

The manual Risk Preparedness: A Management Manual for World Cultural Heritage, published by the International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property (ICCROM) in 1998, is a very useful tool for owners and managers of...

How is an emergency simulation organized?

In a previous article, we saw how important it is for employees of a museum, archive or library to organize frequent exercises to test their ability to react to an emergency. But how do you organize an emergency exercise? Below we see some basic principles to take...

Latest News

The information to be included in the Priority List

In the past issues dedicated to the topic, we have seen what the fundamental objectives are for the creation of a Priority List and the criteria with which the works to be included in it can be selected. To efficiently plan the procedures for managing an emergency on...

Egokart Srl

Egokart: A multi-channel integrated communication project. Egokart is a project that focuses on sustainable entertainment through its track for electric karts. They aim to become a point of reference in this area. To create a consistent visual ecosystem in both the...

How to choose the artworks for a Salvage Priority List?

In the last issue dedicated to this topic, we saw how important it is to draw up a Salvage Priority List in order to be able to act promptly to save an art collection.   But how do you choose the artworks that must be saved first?   This is the most complicated...

The Priority List for saving art collections

What is a Priority List? One of the most important and effective tools for the effective emergency management of an art collection is the creation of a priority list of the artworks to be saved.  To understand its real usefulness, we must start from a fundamental...

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