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This analysis makes it possible to identify the countermeasures to be implemented to obviate different types of risk
Once the inspection is over, it is crucial to gather all the available information and investigate the different workflows in the museum spaces. To this purpose, it is necessary to identify different operational scenarios in the institute, to define the various ways of entering and using the spaces for employees, visitors, and external collaborators.
First of all, it is necessary to identify the times during the week when the public is present inside the building. Then, it follows the definition of opening days, also analysing the standard procedures for organising events and exhibitions. The goal is to analyse all presences inside the museum at different times and to identify moments that can represent a vulnerability in the overall organisation of work.
Here is an example of an operative scenario:
From Monday to Friday at 5.00 pm the museum’s exhibition rooms are closed to the public. The technician Mario Rossi carries out a check-up in all areas and, once he has ascertained that all visitors have left the building, he sets the alarm related to the exhibition areas. At 19:00 all the officials leave the museum and the technician Gianni Verdi, after a careful reconnaissance tour of the entire building, including the deposits, closes all the museum entrances, and activates the alarm. From this moment on, the night patrol service is active and will be on duty until 5:30 am when the catering company arrives in the cafeteria of the building. The owner of the cafeteria, Mrs Serena Gialli, defuses the alarm and opens the main entrance of the museum. At 8:00 am, museum staff begin to enter from the service door leading to the offices, and defuse the alarms in this area and in the area dedicated to deposits. Upon his arrival at 9:00, the official Mario Rossi defuses the alarm in the exhibition areas to allow visitors to enter at 9:30.
In this example, the distribution of the access keys to the various museum employees is made clear, who can defuse the alarm in the areas of their competence. In this case, however, the time between 5:30 and 8:00 represents a vulnerability as regards the risk of intrusion: the opening of the museum is entrusted to an external company and for a good 2 hours and 30 minutes no official inside the museum is present in the building. This analysis makes it possible to identify the countermeasures to be implemented to remedy these types of risk.
Once the operational scenarios have been identified, it is advisable to define the flows of use by all those who move within the museum areas. Special plans need to be created for each operational scenario, using arrows to indicate the routes of each category of people (public, internal employees, external collaborators, etc.) in the museum spaces.
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This text has been extracted from the “Guide for drafting a risk analysis and a Safety and Emergency Plan” created by Mazzini Lab. You can receive the complete guide by filling out the form below.