What is a Safety and Emergency Plan and what is it for?
Discover it in our insights and download the guidelines to draft your Plan.
The Safety and Emergency Plan contains all the information that may be useful in an emergency
Once the emergency simulation has been completed, the Safety and Emergency Plan can start to be drafted. To this purpose, the issues that emerged during the simulation phase will be fundamental: emergency team, escalation procedures, rescue priorities, handling and packaging of selected artworks, and so on.
The Safety and Emergency Plan is a rich document that consists of two macro sections:
- The first section is dedicated to identifying the emergency team, describing the role of each member and his/her contact information. The emergency procedures, divided by type of risk, are also described in this section. The plan acts as a track for the quick and effective implementation of security activities and allows to avoid unnecessary waste of time and energy that could typically occur during a crisis.
- The second section is dedicated to identifying all the safety information about the building, and the external contacts that may represent a risk for the museum. This section is divided into annexes regarding the safety of the building and the people employed inside.
The Emergency Plan includes the following attachments:
- A list of the personal contacts of all museum employees, with an indication of the time needed to reach the site in case of emergency;
- The list containing the salvage priorities, with the procedures for artworks handling;
- The floor plans of the entire museum, with a graphic indication of the location of the selected priorities in the space;
- The emergency kits and their location in the building;
- A list of all external suppliers, companies, institutions, associations, which can guarantee support in case of emergency;
- The general guidelines for salvaging the collections, to guarantee that even those who are not familiar with the work to carry out rescue operations without further damaging the collection;
- The guidelines for communicating with the authorities, containing the numbers of the people to call and an example of a typical call to follow;
- A fillable form to be used to document all the movements of the artworks in case of movement and evacuation of the same;
- A fillable form to be used as a register of all people present at the scene of the accident, to prevent the entry of unauthorised personnel into the area;
- The identification of all safe places to carry out the various emergency procedures;
- Instructions for turning off the electrical and plumbing systems;
- All information related to insurance coverage of the building and collections, and the contact person of the Company to contact in the event of a claim.
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This text has been extracted from the “Guide for drafting a risk analysis and a Safety and Emergency Plan” created by Mazzini Lab. You can receive the complete guide by filling out the form below.