Our Services

Mazzini Lab designs and implements sustainable valorization and risk management actions for cultural heritage.

What we do?

Mazzini Lab offers a wide range of services dedicated to cultural heritage, in particular in the fields of risk prevention, communication, enhancement of the value of the assets and training in the field of prevention and emergency management.

Communication Area

Communication Plans

We implement comprehensive communication plans in line with your mission and help you manage communication during crisis situations.

Meetings and Events

We organize and manage conventions, conferences and events tailored to the needs of your organization, guaranteeing successful experiences.

Corporate digital presence

We take care of the management of the company’s social channels and develop engaging editorial plans for a clear digital presence consistent with the company’s values.

Enhancement Area

For the services of protection and enhancement of artistic assets, Mazzini Lab makes use of the help and support of SOS Archives which in the first line spreads the importance of archives as fundamental tools for tracing the routes and cultural paths of yesterday, today and tomorrow.

Prevention and Training

For prevention and training services, Mazzini Lab has created Heritup and Heritup Academy, a division of the company specialized in risk management for art and training for the protection of cultural heritage.

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