Our projects, your successes

Sustainable valorisation

We beleive that the valorisation of cultural heritage allows the realization of projects with positive repercussions both at a social and economic level..

Ours is an approach that wants to bring enhancement and sustainability hand in hand because we believe it is the key to understanding any project you want to undertake today

Latest projects

Charisma project – Erasmus+

Risk Manager of Cultural Heritage Mazzini Lab is the leader of the Erasmus + Charisma project (Risk Management for Cultural Heritage) which aims to develop and pilot a new VET curriculum to meet the needs of the labour market in the Cultural Heritage sector in the...

Sos Archivi

SOS Archivi is a non-profit organization that deals with the enhancement, protection and awareness of risk management and emergencies in the Archival sector. Mazzini Lab supports this reality in communication activities and in the realization of workshops and training...

Storia di un Archivio

48 photos by Antonio Beato, collected in the Touring Club archive, were in need of restoration. The photos have a high historical and cultural value both for the photographic technique and the materials used, and because they are the testimony of the first...

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